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Bu yarım kilogramlık tavşan Kuzey Amerika’daki en küçük tavşandır ve nerdeyse sadece Great Basin’da yaşar. Kar daha derin olsaydı çalılar arasında tünel açabilirdi. Ama bu kış az kar yağdı ve düşmanlarına karşı açıkta gitmesi gerekiyor.
Düşmanların en kötüsü de uzun kuyruklu gelinciktir. Tavşandan daha büyük değildir ve görüşü çok kötüdür. Ama burnu ve kulakları keskindir. Dişleri daha da keskindir.
Tavşanın kokusunu alıyor ve oyun başlıyor. Gelincik burnunu takip etmeye çalışıyor. Ama tavşan geçilmiş yollardan oluşan bir ağ kurmuş. Her zaman kendi adımlarını takip ediyor. Gelincik o geliyor mu gidiyor mu anlayamıyor. Oyun, set ve maç tavşanın.
Vahşi (Kuzey) Amerika. 4. Bölüm belgeselinden.
High Speed Rabbit Chase | North America
Watch NORTH AMERICA Sundays 9|8c on Discovery. || This one pound bunny gets in a high speed chase with a Long-tailed Weasel.
Run, rabbit, run! Hungry marten chases bunny down a snowy road before finally catching up and killing it
The two run down the road in a life or death chase
The rabbit tries desperately to escape the marten by serving
His efforts fail and the hunter catches up with his prey and kills him
The video was filmed from a car on a snowy road in Mistissini, Quebec
This is the heart-stopping moment a marten chases a rabbit down a snowy road before catching up with it and killing it. A video filmed from inside a car in Mistissini, Quebec shows the animals haring down the road in the life-or-death hunt. Initially the marten is far behind the rabbit as the latter desperately hops away swerving across the road in an attempt to loose its attacker
Heart-stopping: A marten chases a rabbit down a snowy road. Initially the marten is far behind the rabbit as it desperately hops away swerving across the road in an attempt to loose its attacker In a move the bunny no doubt regrets, it crosses over to the snowy verge on the left-hand side of the road which slows it down. It then erroneously tries to go up the bank which is when the vicious marten catches up him. It grabs the rabbit and the pair tumble down the slope, the marten's teeth firmly around its prey's neck. There is a momentary wrestle but it is clear the bunny is done for.
It lies lifeless as the marten drags it back up the bank and the video comes to an end. American martens are opportunistic feeders and will eat anything from insects to rodents to small mammals. They usually kill their prey with a quick, powerful bite to the back of the animal's neck. As the footage would support, martens tend to hunt at dusk and dawn when critters can be found alone. Although martens hunt on the ground, they dwell mostly in trees, marking their trails with their strong scent glands. They will often chase squirrels through wooded areas. Solitary animals, martens also swim and dive well. While martens can be hunted for humans for their fur they are rarely predated on by other animals, although babies may be vulnerable to larger carnivores such as wolves and owls.
Got you! The bunny crosses over to the snowy verge on the left-hand side of the road which slows it down. It then erroneously tries to go up the bank which is when the vicious marten catches up with him and kills him
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