Owl City - Waving Through a Window (From Dear Evan Hansen)Lyrics [CC]
Released: June 23, 2017 https://atlantic.lnk.to/OCWavingThroughAWindow
The Official Audio Video (Owl City channel): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppCqURHTaXI
"When I was approached by the creators of Dear Evan Hansen to reimagine the song "Waving Through A Window,” the lyrics immediately resonated with me. It almost felt like it was written about my own life story. Having now had the opportunity to collaborate on my own version of the song, the experience has become even more surreal.
I’ve always been a bit of an outsider. For as long as I can remember, I’ve marched to the beat of my own drum. When I first discovered songwriting, it revealed to me who I was on the inside: a driven, innovative, expressive, passionate kid with an infinite imagination. But on the outside, I was a painfully shy, reticent, withdrawn introvert with low self-esteem and little self-respect. After ten years of creating music, I’ve since found my place in a world that offers me the chance to be anything I want, and I choose to simply be myself. I embrace being an outsider. I look at myself in the mirror and I feel nothing but confidence, optimism, assertiveness and happiness. But it wasn’t always that way.
When I was first introduced to the character of Evan Hansen, I felt like I was watching myself in high school. I knew how it felt being on the outside looking in. I knew how it felt waving through the window, wondering if anyone was waving back at me. I had terrible social anxiety, I was painfully shy, I didn’t have many friends and I rarely spoke to my classmates. I viewed social interaction as a threat, not as an opportunity to share. So I withdrew from the world around me and poured myself into my music because it was the one thing that made me feel adequate. In the same way Evan took to writing letters, I took to writing music in order to deal with the troubles of life.
As the years went by, my social anxiety slowly melted away. I began my music career and worked my way through a tumultuous industry by simply being myself. Despite sudden and surprising successes, I never wanted to be a celebrity. I never wanted to work in Los Angeles or New York City. I was always content working in my small town in Minnesota. And so, my story is a bit unconventional compared to how other pop artists break out. But I know with all my heart, if it weren’t for God, and for songwriting, I’d still be that same timid kid with more phobias and fears than ever.
After a decade of doing my own thing, I am the opposite of who I used to be, and the most important thing I’ve learned is to fight for what’s most important: being myself.
I suffered from some of the same hardships Evan did. But in the end, I was able to overcome those hurdles and conquer my lack of confidence. And now, for the first time in my life, I know exactly what I want to do. I want to make the kind of music I feel called to make without compromise. I want to write about my own life experiences and my own struggles. I want to write about the grand adventures I’ve had, the things I’ve seen, the places I’ve been, the people I love. I want to write music like an author writes an autobiography. I want to write about my own personal experiences and life stories because they are important. They are real and true and worth honoring.
I am still an outsider. But that’s okay with me. I am the only thing I know how to be. I am myself."
"I think Ben definitely is a lot more of a professional singer than I am; I didn’t have any formal training. It was tough to study his version, especially the bridge -- the "When you’re falling in a forest and there's nobody around” part -- that was tough for me to keep up as far as the inflection, the speed. It’s very loose and free-flowing, the way he sings it. That’s not really my style, but I loved how he sang it, so I had to try to nail that down. It was a really cool challenge to have that kind of guideline. I was a little intimidated at first, but I surprised myself with how much I enjoyed being pushed out of my comfort zone."
"Happy you're enjoying 'Waving Through A Window!' Thanks to @DearEvanHansen creators for bringing me into your world."
By Adam Young
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