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Video Most SCARY Mythical Creatures Ever!

Ca sỹ: Origins Explained

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Check out the most scary mythical creatures ever! From trolls to wendigos, this top 10 list has some of the most terrifying mythical beasts and monsters you'll ever see!

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8. Vodník
The Vodnik creature comes from Czech fairy tales. According to lore, vodníci (the plural of vodník) are water sprites that can be found near bodies of water, like lakes and ponds.
They are typically depicted as green men, dressed like vagrants. They have green skin and long green hair, bulging eyes, and beards. Sometimes vodnici are also said to have gills, webbed hands and feet.
Although they can be helpful and resourceful, vodníci are typically seen as evil creatures who try to cause humans harm. People are advised to be wary of vodníci as they are cunning and tricky. They have been said to lure small girls into the water with ribbons and small trinkets. Furthermore, they like to target inexperienced swimmers or even shape shift to draw people into the water to drown them. They then trap the human souls in a magical jar they keep at the bottom of their watery home.
The nicer sprites are known to help millers with their work, or they simply sit around near the water, smoke their pipes, and even play the violin. How nice, until they change their mind. You should typically avoid these creatures and if you see a strange, green man near your local lake, be sure to steer clear!
7. Bunyip
The bunyip is a creature of Aboriginal origin. It is also referred to as the “kianpraty” and its name means “devil” or “evil spirit.”
Depictions of the creature vary, but it is described by many as looking like a dog with dark fur, flippers, a duck bill, tusks, and a horse’s tail. It is also thought to have scales or feathers depending on who you ask.
According to legends, the bunyip lives in swamps, creeks, and other shallow bodies of water, even wells! They feed on children and livestock who get to close to the water’s edge. They also hunt for women and children at night because of they love the taste of the soft flesh.
Many have been skeptical of the bunyip’s existence as the only potential evidence of bunyips was an unidentified skull discovered along a river in New South Wales, Australia in the mid 1800’s. The skull went on display at the Australian Museum in Sydney, but mysteriously disappeared several days later before further research could be performed.
Currently, researchers believe that other animals are simply being mistaken for the mythical bunyip such as giant otters, or an undiscovered marsupial or seal. In any case, its mythic status continues.
6. The Chupacabra
Next up comes a popular, but fairly recent mythical creature compared to the others. In 1995 in Puerto Rico, farmers were perplexed by the number of livestock being taken at night. Over 150 farm animals were taken between March and August of that year, and eyewitnesses all blamed the chupacabra.
They described the creature as being roughly 3 or 4 feet tall and standing on its hind legs. It had a green, reptilian body, large oval head, and bulging red eyes. It also had fanged teeth, a long tongue, sharp claws, and spines going down its head and back.
The chupacabra got its name from the way it feasts on livestock. The name “chupacabra” is derived from the Spanish words “chupar” meaning “to suck” and “cabra” meaning “goat.”
Reports stated that the victims had no meat missing from them, but instead had three puncture marks on their necks and they were almost completely drained of blood. The farmers suffered such heavy losses that Mayor Jose Soto of Canóvanas, Puerto Rico recruited volunteers and organized weekly parties to find the creature. This allegedly went on for at least a year, but to no avail.
Many believe that the chupacabra has been around much longer than we think. The ancient Mayans had stories about a creature called “camazotz” It was also described as a reptile on its hind legs with two arms and a long snout for sucking blood from animal. Could the chupacabra be more than a horrifying myth?

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