☆ミ Title: 鳥居の向こうの夢蒔絵
☆ミ Album: Everlasting Moment 「瞬間エヴァーラスティング」
☆ミ Circle: Yuuhei Satellite 「幽閉サテライト」
★彡 Original Title: U.N.オーエンは彼女なのか? (Meaning "U.N. Owen Was Her?".) / Extra Stage Boss - Flandre Scarlet's Theme
★彡 Source: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil (Touhou Koumakyou, meaning "Eastern Lands of the Scarlet Devil".)
♬♪♫ ミ Vocal: Senya
♬♪♫ ミ Arrangement/Lyrics: Namari Okuyama 「奥山ナマリ」
♬♪♫ ミ Original Composer: ZUN 「上海アリス幻樂団」
✧彡 Event: Comic Market 92 「コミックマーケット92」
✧彡 Release Date: Aug 11, 2017
✧彡 Website: http://www.yuuhei-satellite.jp/9480
✧彡 Album Genre: Techno, Electronic, Trance, Rock&Pop — Touhou Vocal Arrangement Album.
✿彡 Picture Artist: RiE (Reverie Works)
✿彡 Artist's Pixiv Page: https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=400684
✿彡 Illustration Source: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=47657532
✿彡 Character: Flandre Scarlet 「フランドール・スカーレット」
Enjoy!(っ˘ω˘ς ) ♬♪♫
Everlasting Moment (瞬間エヴァーラスティング shunkan ebaaransutingu) is a doujin album by Yuuhei Satellite released on 2017-08-11 (Comiket 92). It features vocal and instrumental arrangements of themes from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom, Imperishable Night, Subterranean Animism, Ghostly Field Club, Changeability of Strange Dream, Retrospective 53 minutes and Shuusou Gyoku.
✧ Order the album here:
一 http://ovs.akbh.jp/products/detail.php?product_id=2100000079933
一 https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/detail/detail.php?product_id=229959
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