How and what to scrap in old computers for metals recovery, this video present the dismantling and basic seperation of the different scrap types contained in old computer.
- Motherboard + CPU
- PCI cards
- RAM sticks (memory)
- CD-Rom
- Floppy
- Hard Drive
- Power Supply Unit (PSU)
- IDE and other cables
Seperating your scrap almost always results in maximizing the return on your scrap electronics and gives you better knowledge and control when it's time to sell it.
Electronic scrap hold different type of components which contains Gold, Silver and Platinum Group Metals. Some are very easy to recover and some are very complex process. " Gold Fingers" and CPU's are the best type of scrap for a beginner to learn the craft of gold recovery.
I have made this short list for US citizens who wants to sell scrap electronics. You can contact these following scrap buyers:
Gold Chip Buyer -
Relectrocycle -
CashforComputerScrap -
Mike, South Eastern Ohio - (740)350-1272
I have hand picked these scrap buyer as i know they are very honest and stright forward.
I did not receive any incentive nor will i receive any future commision from these scrap buyers. I'm happy to put their links here as i believe they are trustworthy and will treat you fairly.