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Video Gold Reduction with Oxalic Acid -Complete Process

Ca sỹ: indeedItdoes

845,363 Lượt xem

Mô Tả ** In this video i'll show the complete process for the reduction of gold from chloroauric acid using oxalic acid and pH adjustment.

This process is used exclusively as a second refining step. Meaning, the initial Aqua Regia solution already contains high putiry gold that was refined once in to the area of 99-99.9%.

Unlike The previous video (see link below), the gold dropped this way doesn't precipitate as a cool lava lamp, but rather as fine brown powder that clumps together easily. Nice and shiny looking Dendrites might grow here and there. It is still very pure though :)

** The complete written tutorial which includes more pictures and exact amount of reagents used is now available here:

This is the first time i'm uploading a video with narration. Hope you will find it more convenient and easy to understand.

Learn more about Gold, Silver and PGM's Recovery & Refining at Gold-N-Scrap website:

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