Monday evening at approximately 5:30 p.m. a volunteer of a Splendora stable was driving by she noticed a dark colored Ford or Chevrolet, 4 door pickup pulling a sixteen foot newer model stock trailer. The volunteer stopped the truck. The driver of the truck approached the volunteer and stated she was with Montgomery County and had two horses they were dropping off. The driver described as older with short gray hair also had a child in the truck.
The volunteer parked and walked back to the riding arena to look at the horses the driver fled north on Tram Road toward FM 2090. She was unable to get a license number.
When the volunteer reached the riding stable she could not believe her eyes. Before her was one horse on the ground near starvation and another horse in quite bad shape.
She and several others spent the day trying to save the horses. One was able to eat and move freely but the horse in the worst shape was given B-12 and several IV fluids through out the day. A canopy was used to shade it and water poured over him to try to keep the horse cool.
Deputy Morrow with the Montgomery County Precinct 4 Constables Office Livestock Division was called and responded to the scene. After seeing the conditions of the horses he contacted Precinct 4 Justice of the Peace James Metts to obtain a warrant for Montgomery County to legally take possession of the horses.
Volunteer's continued to work into the night to care for the two horses.
Deputy Morrow is attempting to locate the female who dropped the horses off and identified herself as being with Montgomery County.
Morrow will attempt Wednesday to move the horses to a horse rehab facility.
The stable where the horses were dropped off has assisted for many years taking in rescues in bad shape but these two were some of the worst ever seen.
If anyone know who the owner of these horses are or can identify the female driver is asked to call the Montgomery County Precinct 4 Constables Office Livestock Division.