"The Way You Make Me Feel" short film was designed to show off a more flirtatious and romantic yet still edgy side of Michael Jackson. The Joe Pytka-directed short film was nominated for an MTV Music Video Award for Best Choreography in 1988.
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Written and Composed by Michael Jackson
Produced by Quincy Jones for Quincy Jones Productions
Co-Produced by Michael Jackson for MJJ Productions, Inc.
From the album Bad, released August 31, 1987
Released as a single November 9, 1987
Director: Joe Pytka
Primary Production Location: Los Angeles, California
Michael Jackson's short film for "The Way You Make Me Feel" was the second of nine short films produced for recordings from Bad, one of the best selling albums ofall time. As a single, "The Way You Make Me Feel" hit No. 1 in two countries in 1987, topping the charts in the United States and Ireland and reaching Top 5 in the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Australia and elsewhere. In the U.S., "The Way You Make Me Feel" was the third of five consecutive No. 1 singles from one album on the Billboard Hot 100-making Michael the first artist to achieve this milestone.
In the short films for the Bad album, Michael continued to expand the possibilities of the "music video" as art form, working with high-profile collaborators to realize his artistic visions. Acclaimed commercial director Joe Pytka made his mark on music videos with the short films for both "The Way You Make Me Feel" and "Dirty Diana," from Bad.
"TheWay You Make Me Feel" short film was designed to show off a more flirtatious and romantic yet still edgy side of Michael. In the film, a gang of brash young men pursues a girl, portrayed by model Tatiana Thumbtzen. Emerging from a crowd of these potential suitors and encouraged to "be yourself" by an old man (played by actor Joe Seneca), Michael gets the girl's attention, singing and dancing to "The Way You Make Me Feel" as his friends look on. The action unfolds across a few city blocks, culminating in a silhouetted dance routine against the backdrop of a spraying fire hydrant. At the end of the video, Michael wins the girl over, and the pair embrace.
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