This video is a complete guide to wow pvp exploits. These hacks can completely unbalance many battlegrounds and have been compiled over hundreds of hours of play. Click on the links below for fast access to exploits concerning your class:
0:29 Entrapment exploits-trap your enemies in walls and various other bits of terrain: Druid, death knight, priest and warlock preferred but can in theory be used by all classes with cc/knockback, and can also be used by items like the engineering mind control tinker.
4:39 invincibility in strand of the ancients, all classes.
6:18 jump on dranei ruins in eye of the storm, all classes.
7:30 jump on the titan light-emitting device in strand next to gy flag, all classes.
8:30 Demon hunter double-jump for demo warlocks.
8:57 Strand of the ancients phasing exploit for monks.
10:16 Disengage on the pipe network in isle of conquest making it very easy to solo the glaives, all classes.
12:13 Jump on horde base as horde, hunter, warlock and demon hunter only.
13:55 Jump on horde throne in boss room, hunter, warlock and demon hunter only.
14:21 How to jump on farm flag in arathi basin, all classes.
14:53 Use slowfall/parachute/etc to jump on mines flag in arathi basin, all classes.
15:42 Demo warlock jump onto stables flag.
15:46 Mount jump onto all flags, all classes.
18:47 Mount jump onto rock inaccessible to melee at the goblin mine, all classes.
19:26 Invisible platform in wsg, excellent for defending flag, warlock, demon hunter.
20:15 Crane jump in deepwind gorge, pandaren mine, Hunter, maybe warlock and demon hunter.
22:30 Become invisible while terrain exploiting via shard of archstone, all classes.
25:04 Jump on crane in arathi basin, hunter (marksmanship preferred), maybe warlock and demon hunter.
25:48 Jump on lumber mill roof in ab.
27:34 Trolling exploits-jump on invisible platform at arathi basin starter zone: Aside from trolling
provides a very quick early start:Hunter, warlock and demon hunter only.
28:35 Warsong gulch-trap your teammates in walls with swapblaster.
30:20 Jump on building next to light house flag, hunter, warlock and demon hunter only.
31:30 As above for water works.
31:59 Jump on invisible platform in dalaran arena, hunter, warlock and demon hunter only.
32:51 Use gorefiend's grasp to throw your enemies off the bridge in ashran: Death knight only.
33:35 Take the flag to the back of the alliance base: Hunter, warlock and demon hunter only.
35:13 Shadowstep back into the dalaran arena starter area out of attack range: Rogue, druid only.
36:43 Various methods to teleport to the back of the goblin mine in deepwind gorge: I show methods for warlock and rogue.
however all classes can use this trick by entering the mine as a ghost.
38:00 Use ursol's vortex to pull people over cliffs: Druid only.
38:53 Trap pets on elevated areas: All classes.
39:10 Extract flag carriers in Twin Peaks: DK only.