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Video Most BIZARRE Creatures Found In Antarctica!

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Check out the most bizarre creatures found in antarctica! This top list of rare and mysterious creatures discovered in the ice and the ocean is very strange!

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10. Tardigrade
The tardigrade, also known as the water bear is nearly indestructible. Discovered in the late 1700s, this

strange microscopic creature is an eight legged, clawed animal found around the world, even in the frozen

tundra of Antarctica. Cited as the most resilient creature that exists, this little micro-animal can survive

everything from above boiling temperatures to even the cruel conditions of outer space. Intense pressure and

radiation aren't even enough to take down this little guy. They can survive thanks to a host of interesting

adaptations, including a protein that shields radiation damage to DNA. Even more fascinating is that

researchers were able to transfer this protein to human cells and it was able to prevent x-ray damage to DNA

by up to 40%! The Tardigrade is able enter a state called Cryptobiosis in which metabolic processes stop. It

is a state similar to death whenever conditions become too intense to overcome. This amazing creature feeds on

plant and animal cell fluid as well as the fluid of some bacteria and is can be found in many patches of moss

around the world.
9. “Hoff” Crab
When it isn´t scuttling in slow-motion across the beach, the ´Hoff´crab finds its home deep in the thermal

vents in between South America and Antarctica. It is named after famous Baywatch and Knight Rider star David

Hasselhoff, due to the crabs unusually hairy chest. Despite being in one of the coldest locations on Earth,

the ocean depths near Antarctica, the noble ´Hoff´crab has to endure scorching temperatures at over 300°C

(570°F). This is because the thermal vents that they call home are actually the product of undersea volcanos

and they heat the ocean and release chemicals into the water that the crab has to endure. It does this because

it is not the only creature to survive these conditions, the volcanic gases are a breeding ground for

bacteria. The ´Hoff´will trap these bacteria within it´s hairy chest for a tasty treat. Though called the

´Hoff´crab these animals are actually a type of squat lobster and were only recently discovered but already

seem to have the support of their namesake who tweeted several references to the hairy, antarctic creatures.
8. Elephant Seal
The aptly named Elephant Seal braces the sub-zero antarctic conditions as the resident heavyweight. As one of

the largest carnivores alive today, the elephant seal can weigh close to 9000 pounds! They are easily

recognized as males have a trunk-like nose that is used for various calls. Often living in close proximity to

penguin colonies, the elephant seal is a territorial animal and males often fight each other for the right to

mate with females. Often this will lead males to go long periods of time without eating as they remain on

their territory to protect it from others. Known for being one of the seals species that spend the most time

on land, the elephant seal can spend weeks without entering the water. Their huge bodies provide lots of

blubber which can be used to keep warm and provide nourishment when food conditions are low. Though

intimidating, they are still prey to the well coordinated orcas that patrol the Antarctic waters.
7. Sea Pig
The noble sea pig is a close relative of the sea cucumber. This little guy is pudgy and pink just like his

land counterpart. The sea pig however is just a little smaller at under six inches long on average, but it

makes up for it in numbers. In fact, sea pigs make up a majority of the weight on many ocean floors including

many parts of Antarctica. Being one of the few creatures that can survive the intense pressure of the ocean

above, the sea pig has a soft body with inflatable limbs that help it maneuver the sea bed. These animals feed

on leftover remnants of living creatures that have fallen into their home and hundreds will often gather

around the husk of a dead whale that falls from above. Though they gather in large numbers they are not known

to be social animals with each one simply sensing food along the ocean floor. Interestingly they will all face

the same direction, though scientists are still unsure as to why.

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