top 10 popular ancient landmarks on earth that are being ruined by tourism
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History is one of the most fascinating, if not the most important, element to our existence. From the conception of man, historians have been tracking our past through research, archaeology, and oral traditions. There have been prosperous times in history as well as devastation. Sometimes the devastation could be blamed on Mother Nature, while other times it was man’s fault. As the saying goes, if we don’t pay attention, history is doomed to repeat itself. This is why it is crucial to study history and to know where we came from. We have learned from the mistakes of the past, and we took the lessons from back them to make our present better. Luckily, in most cases of history, we can do more than just read a book. We can visit the actual historical site. We can touch the site and picture ourselves as historical figures while imagining what life was like back in that time. Depending on how old the historical place is, there is some restoration work required to keep it looking like it did back in time. However, maintenance can be tough due to weather or any other natural disasters. But a historical site’s worse enemy is actually us!
In this video are ten historical places being destroyed by tourists. National parks and governments now have to enforce strict rules when it comes to touching a site. Want to take home a rock from the Acropolis? It’s not going to happen. If millions of people just took one rock, there would be no more historical site in just a few years.
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