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Video Touhou Remix I.60 (Instrumental) The Shining Needle Castle Sinking in the Air

Ca sỹ: Bishamontenreturn

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♦ Title: 空へと沈む鬼と針の城
♦ Circle: dBu
♦ Arranger: Dobu Usagi
♦ Album: 逆弾奏結界 反逆諧謔曲 Reversal Scherzo
♦ Original Composer: ZUN
♦ From: 東方輝針城 ~ Double Dealing Character

What is this ? Seija Kinjin's stage theme without her being upside down ? Well, at least the castle is.

I'd like to take the opportunity of uploading this calm song to write a little bit about my thoughts on the uploaders and the touhou community.

Recently, I've read another uploader who was saying this :

"I wish that uploaders were nicer and available to talk too like he (was talking about XDTOXD) or even the others who are gone now, I knew so many nice uploaders and now it became harder to get in contact with the others, they are like, doing their own stuff, they seem to not really care about what's around them some of them even don't tell about themselves and they just mass upload like that. It's a shame.

I might not look like a old person or something, I know I don't have a proper english too, and it's hard to explain things with another language, but yeah, I think that a lot of people don't understand that, and if only uploaders were so open minded like Beli did or even the others I knew, things would be twice more better.

This is how you do, this is how it works. But nobody understand this, or maybe they do but not very well, or maybe not a lot of them."

I definitely agree with this fellow uploader. I mean, what's the thing that made Belisaria, KakashiMr, Chaosangel, Diremagic Acelutor, Kkcwkoh, Moomar, Aghart101 and many others so famous ? The answer is the time they put in their channel. And I'm not talking of the time spent uploading. I'm talking of the time spent discussing with the subscribers, the other uploaders. I might've started uploading only two years ealier, but I know that back then, the uploaders were far more available, less distant...

Nowaday when I see uploaders who simply mass-upload (I'm not going to give any name) without even taking the time to put a description, I can't help but wonder if they even listened to the song they're uploading and question the reason why they are uploading touhou doujin music in the first place.

You know, I mean, I've been mass-uploading when I had to rebuild this channel, but I always took the time to listen to the full albums, to find a proper picture to go with the song, and a description, be it entertaining, smart or about the actuality. It's a very time-consuming task to mass-upload properly (about 20-30 minutes a video if you do it right). And yet, I see people uploading whole albums and I feel sad because I don't see any point in simply uploading batch of videos like that.

It's like those videos are missing something. Maybe it's the time or the heart of the uploader. In a word, I feel like those videos lack a soul. I remember perfectly every single one of my 650+ videos and I remember what inspired me when I made each of these videos. Why I choose it's picture and not another one, how I was feeling when I did it... I don't know how to express it better than this... That's my opinion though, and I felt I had to share it..

Now that you've went through the task of reading my rant, please take the time to read Nitori's answer to it. It wasn't really directed toward him, oh well...

♦ Picture:


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