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The Saudi Arabian Army (KSA) (Arabic: الجيش العربي السعودي‎), also called Royal Saudi Land Force (Arabic: القوات البرية الملكية السعودية‎), is the largest branch of the Saudi Armed Forces. The total number of active troops is estimated to be 225,000.[2] The Chief of the Saudi General Staff until 2011 was Field Marshal Saleh Al-Muhaya
The Qatar Armed Forces are the military forces of Qatar. The country maintains a modest military force of approximately 11,800 men, including an army (8,500), navy (1,800) and air force (1,500). Qatar's defence expenditures were a total of $1.913 billion, about 1.5% of the national GDP, as of 2010 according to the SIPRI. Qatar has recently signed defence pacts with the United States in 2002 and 2013 and with the United Kingdom, as well as with France earlier, in 1994. Qatar plays an active role in the collective defence efforts of the Gulf Cooperation Council; the other five members are Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, the UAE, and Oman. The presence of a large American military base in the country provides the country with a guaranteed source of defence and national security. SIPRI states that Qatar's plans to transform and significantly enlarge its armed forces have accelerated in 2014, and in 2010-14 Qatar was the 46th largest arms importer in the world. Orders in 2013 for 62 tanks and 24 self-propelled guns from Germany were followed in 2014 by a number of other contracts, including 24 combat helicopters and 3 AEW aircraft from the USA, and 2 tanker aircraft from Spain.

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Anahtar Kelimeler.
Savunma Sanayii, MİT, Zırhlı Arabalar, Türkiye, Azerbaycan, Türk, Tank, Helikopter, Tüfek, Polis, Jandarma, MAK, SAT, SAS, JÖH, PÖH, JÖAK, ÖKK, ÇÖT, Özel Harekat, Komando, Er, Aksiyon, Motivasyon, Video, Klip, Türk Ordusu, Turkish Army, Turkish Armed Forces, Türk Kara Kuvvetleri, Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri, Türk Hava Kuvvetleri, Turkish Air Forces, Türk Deniz Kuvvetleri, Turkish Naval Forces, NATO, İslam Ordusu İttifakı, Islamic Military Alliance, Turkish Armored Vehicles MKE , Makine ve Kimya Enstitüsü, Fırtına Obüsü, OTOKAR, Altay, Tulpar, Tulpar-S, Kaya, Kobra, Kobra II, Arma 8x8, Ural, ZPT, Kale, BMC Kirpi, Vuran, NUROL , Ejder Yalçın 4x4, Ejder 6x6, Ilgaz, FNSS, Pars 4x4, Pars 8x8, ZMA-15, ZMA 30, Kaplan 20, Atak-T129, Akıncı, ANKA, Vestel, Katmerciler, Karayel, Bayraktar İHA, UAV, TB2, Cirit, Som, Bozok, Atmaca Gemisavar, Hisar Füzeleri, Yıldırım Füzesi, Cirit, SOM, OMTAS, UMTAS, MSS, Milli Savunma Sanayii, Savunma Sanayii Müşteşarlığı, SSM, Emniyet, Fırat Kalkanı, İDEF, İDEX, DİMDEX, KADEX, TAİ, TUSAŞ,

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