Get ready for intense 360 FNAC horror! ►►
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Last year when I had the opportunity to do Game Lab, I couldn't wait to get my hands on a Five Nights game and recreate it IRL! For this episode, I got together with some of my YouTube friends and SCARED the heck out of them for a whole day at my own haunted pizzeria. Some of them...didn't survive so well. Whose reactions were the best and who was the toughest to scare? I'll let YOU decide.
Can you Survive the 360 video for this episode? Check out the INCREDIBLY creepy first-person walk through of FNAC... alone…in the dark…with some unexpected friends. ►►
A HUGE thanks to Vernon from The Game Grumps, Trisha Hershberger of @thatgirltrish, and Rob Dyke from TheRobDyke show for gettin’ their creep on for this episode. I enjoyed wetting my pants repeatedly with you in front of large animatronics.
Scary Theories To Watch In the Dark:
FNAF Scariest Monster is YOU: ►►
FNAF, We Were Wrong About the Bite ►►
Petscop, The Scariest Game You'll Never Play ►►
How Bendy Will END! | Bendy and the Ink Machine ►
Watch me PEE MY PANTS Playing FNAC! ►►