You think you want twins? maybe, think again. It's not easy (especially at this age). Twins: they talk at the same time, often do not listen, tattle-tale on each other all day, and are very competitive (not to mention loud).
Our twins are amazing, so well behaved, but at times it can be difficult. Our parenting style is based on discipline, so it's our job to lead by example. As much as the girls can be out of control, they are loving, sweet, and affectionate...awesome & amazing little girls! we love them dearly.
IG: @mccluretwins, @jkmcclure, @just_aminat
FB: @mccluretwins @thediscoverytwins
EMAIL: [email protected]
623 Eagle Rock Ave #345
West Orange, NJ 07052
All videos produced, directed, edited by Ami & Justin McClure.