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Video Giant Pocky Chocolate Cake ジャイアントポッキーケーキ

Ca sỹ: MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ

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We made a large, tall cake using giant Pocky! We attached 40 giant pocky sticks around the cake layered 14 cm high in nine layers, and decorated it with 61 red and brown chocolates colored like pocky. Making this cake is easier said than done!
1. Warm 300g of unsalted butter to room temperature and stir it with a whisk.
2. Mix in 240g of granulated sugar.
3. Beat six eggs and it to the mixture in several parts, mixing each in individually.
4. Add 420g of pancake mix.
5. Gently mix with a rubber spatula.
6. Divide the mixture from step 5 in half. Mix in 20g of raspberry crunch into one.
7. Divide the mixture between four separate 12cm bottomless round cake molds. The center of the cakes will rise, so be sure to make a depression in the middle.
8. Preheat the oven to 340°F and bake for 33 minutes.
9. Check the cakes with a bamboo skewer. They will be ready when nothing sticks to the skewer as it's pulled out.
10. While the cakes are still warm, gently take them out of their molds such that the the bottom faces upwards.
11. Cover them in plastic wrap so that they don't dry out and allow them to cool.
12. Now, slice them. This time, we sliced them into 14mm layers.
13. Now it's time to make the chocolate cream. Beat 400ml of fresh creme (42% butter fat) until soft peaks form.
14. Add 200g chocolate syrup and whisk. (Half will be used between the layers and half will be used for the outer coating)
15. Take the cake layers from step 12 and stack them in nine layers, spreading the chocolate cream from step 14 between each.
16. Thinly apply some of the chocolate cream from step 14 around the around the assembled layers from step 15, making a bottom coat. After that, refrigerate.
17. Apply the chocolate cream to make an outer coat. By the way, the rotating stand under the cake is a spice rack from a dollar store.
18. Decorate the result from step 17 as you please. It's also fine if you leave it as it is.
19. Attach giant pocky sticks around the cake.
20. Refrigerate.
21. It's finished. We learned that the colored chocolates from Muji are weak to changes in temperature, and for us the color ended up having a sad time of it. Next time we'll make it with M&M's.

1.室温に戻しておいた、無塩バター 300gを泡立て器で混ぜる。
2.グラニュー糖 240gを入れ混ぜる。
3.溶き卵 6個を数回に分けて入れ、その都度 混ぜる。
4.ホットケーキミックス 420gを入れる。
6.5の半量にラズベリークランチ 20gを入れ混ぜる。
7.12センチ セルクル型、4個に入れる。焼き上がり中央がふくらむので、思い切って真ん中を凹ませるとよい。
14.チョコレートシロップ 200gを入れ、さらに泡立てる。(半量をサンド用に半量を周りのナペ用に使います)

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