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Video Tiger JK - Reset (Feat. Jinsil 진실 Of Mad Soul Child) Cover

Ca sỹ: Margarita 엠쌤

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Hellow everyone :)

I seriously want to beat myself up with a stick for not keeping to schedule, which I really really wanted to do. In my defence, I had to fly to Moscow for a week, quite unexpectedly and the internet there was absolutely ridiculously terrible. In reality, the internet in Russia is pretty fast but the wifi at the place I was staying was just indescribably bad..

Anyhow, I recorded this cover the day I was flying and was editing it on my flight. You guys can't even imagine the level of frustration when you have a cover ready but you have to wait an entire week just because the wifi just won't handle it T__T

Now I'm back and the first thing I do is FINALLY UPLOAD THIS COVER! I've always wanted to cover a Tiger JK song but just never found one that would not sound too funny in my interpretation. I mean, let's be real, his rapping skills and overall swag is uncopiable lol This time around I'm overall satisfied with the way the cover turned out, considering how I wasn't recording it in a studio with nice equipment ㅠ__ㅠ

I should really get a good quality microphone.....

As for the drama that this song is an OST from.. I haven't watched it but heard pretty good reviews about it. What do you guys think, should I watch it?



If any of you have watched the WHo Are You - School 2015, make sure to click LIKE and SUBSCRIBE because as soon as you do, an autograph from the entire cast of the drama will appear under your pillow! GO LOOK! NOW! :D x

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