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Video TOP Money Counterfeiters In History!

Ca sỹ: Origins Explained

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Here's a top list of illegal dollar counterfeiters in history! These undercover money frauds printed millions and billions of fake bills, completely destroying the economy with their illegal scam. Schemers include Frank Bourassa, Albert Talton, Bernhard Kruger, Wesley Weber, Mary Peck, The Omega Man and more!

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8. Artur Virgilio Alves dos Reis.
Alves dos Reis engineered a financial fraud that was so devastating It contributed to the collapse of the Portuguese Republic in 1926 which led to Salazar's regime. This man thought big. Instead of counterfeiting the bills himself, he persuaded the British company that produced Portugal's banknotes that He represented the Portuguese government. He provided them with a forged contract as proof so that he could acquire banknotes from official printers. His counterfeit notes were in fact real notes, they just weren't legitimate. The company gave him $100 million escudos which at the time, was Approximately one percent of Portugal's GDP. He bought jewels, farms, and a taxi fleet and then later opened his own bank to launder the money. He used the rest of the funds to try to purchase Enough shares to take over the Bank of Portugal, which was the one institution he feared might detect the fraud.
A teller within his own bank Noticed that the banknotes were not in numerical order. A newspaper caught wind of Alves dos Reis suspicious activities and the authorities started documenting all of the bank's activities. They discovered that the serial numbers on the notes matched the same ones on existing notes, and The government had to recall all 500 escudo banknotes in the entire country, both real and fake. Alves dos Reis was only 28 years old when he was arrested. While in jail he tried to falsify documents to prove that the Bank of Portugal was involved in the fraud. When this failed, He tried to end his life but survived. He remained in prison until 1945. At the time of his passing away in 1955, he was quite poor.
People all over Portugal rushed to the banks to exchange their 500 escudo notes. This fraud severely Contributed to the loss of confidence in Portugal's monetary system and sense of crisis that made the military coup of 1926 possible.
7. Itzhak Loz and Ronen Fakiro
Loz and Fakiro led an Israeli-based international counterfeiting ring that Produced and circulated over $70 million of fake $100 bills for more than a decade without being caught. The bills were so perfect that they are legendary in law enforcement circles and were often discovered after they reached the bank or the Federal Reserve. Even after the US recently redesigned the $100 bill with a state-of-the-art 3D security ribbon, the counterfeiters had already come close to replicating it.
At the peak of their operation, Loz and Fakiro were Smuggling in $3 million dollars of counterfeit money in the US every three months in shipping containers. That money was then distributed through a network. These counterfeiters may have never been caught if they hadn't moved the operation into the United States. Setting up a printing press in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, it wasn't long before the Secret Service started to investigate the crime ring in 2012. Two years later, in January of 2014, the US Secret Service raided the counterfeiter's warehouse, where they were able to seize over $2.5 million of counterfeit bills, catching several members of the syndicate in the act. In 2015, Loz was sentenced to 180 months in prison for leading the conspiracy and ordered to forfeit $20 million and other assets. All 13 defendants named in the original indictment have pleaded guilty.
6. The Omega Man.
No one knows the true identity of this master counterfeiter of antique gold coins. The Omega Man makes highly valued coins, such as the 1907 double eagle, and leaves a tiny Greek Omega symbol on his (or her) work. During the 1970's, Omega counterfeit began to appear in tradeshows and it wasn't until a very scrupulous member of the ANACS, (American Numismatic Association Certification Service), got one of these coins under a microscope and recognized it as a fake.
Since this symbol is sometimes extremely hard to detect, Many of the Omega Man's coins have been sold, traded and collected. It is estimated that there are at least 20,000 of these valued double eagle coins out in the market. While they are worth thousands less than the original coin, collectors are also willing to pay about $1,000 for an Omega coin.

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