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Video ABC TV | How To Make Red Spider Lily Paper Flowers From Crepe Paper - Craft Tutorial

Ca sỹ: ABC TV

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Red Spider Lily, also known as manjusaka , red magic lily, jigoku bana, higan bana, lycoris radiata or in Chinese mànzhū shā huá (曼珠沙華), is a plant in the amaryllis family - a bizarre flowers - flowers and leaves of flowers, although together share a root, but permanently lifetimes are not meet...
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Material for Flower Making:
- Red crepe paper made in korea 180g
- Floral tape ( dark green and light green)
- Scissors, white glue, wire for flowers
- Nail polish ( red and brown color)
- Marker Ink ( red color)
- Clear pvc tube

I can't know exactly what information about this flower in your country, can you help me more information in the link below, thank you very much:

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