Shin Gojira's roar from Shinnosuke vs Godzilla! (Please don't sue me Toho or Asari TC co, it's in fair use and I gain absolutely no income from this!)
If it happens to be blocked in your country, I found the video here on Facebook:
"Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."
批判、コメント、ニュース報道、教育、奨学金など、研究目的のために公正使用 "の"著作権法1976の第107の下で著作権免責事項は、手当がために作られている」 。公正使用は、著作権法によって許可され、それはそうでないかもしれません侵害である。非営利団体、教育や個人的な使用のヒント公正使用を支持するのバランス。 "
Hai watashi wa futatabi kore o appurōdo shiyou to shite imasu. Bitto mae to ima, kono Chō, sakuya tameshite mimashita. Tōhō wa kore o teikudaun shinaide kudasai. Sore wa kōsei shiyōdesu. Īe, chosakukenshingai wa ito shite imasen. Shin gojiratorērā e no subete no kenri wa, Tōhōsutajio ni kizoku shimasu. Hihan, komento, nyūsu hōdō, kyōiku, shōgakkin nado, kenkyū mokuteki no tame ni kōsei shiyō" no" chosakukenhō 1976 no dai 107 no shita de chosakken menseki jikō wa, teate ga tame ni tsukura rete iru'. Kōsei shiyō wa, chosakukenhō ni yotte kyoka sa re, sore wa sōdenai kamo shiremasen shingaidearu. Hieiridantai, kyōiku ya kojin-tekina shiyō no hinto kōsei shiyō o shiji suru no baransu. "