Anonymous: Carmina Burana (13th c. Bavarian Manuscript) - Exiit diluculo
New London Consort, Philip Pickett
67 lượt nghe
Anonymous: The Feast of Fools / Second Vespers- The Ceremony of the Baculus - Magnificat
New London Consort, Philip Pickett
67 lượt nghe
Anonymous: Carmina Burana - 2. Virent prata hiemata
New London Consort, Philip Pickett
67 lượt nghe
Anonymous: Llibre Vermell of Montserrat-Pilgrim Songs and Dances (1399) - Laudemus Virginum
New London Consort, Philip Pickett
67 lượt nghe
Praetorius: Dances from Terpsichore - 4 Voltes
New London Consort, Philip Pickett
66 lượt nghe
Anonymous: The Feast of Fools / The Banquet - Novus annus dies magnus
New London Consort, Philip Pickett
66 lượt nghe
Susato: Dansereye (1551) - Danse de Hercules oft maticine/De Madrigale
New London Consort, Philip Pickett
66 lượt nghe
Anonymous: The Feast of Fools / Processional - Verbum Caro
New London Consort, Philip Pickett
65 lượt nghe
Susato: Dansereye (1551) - Bergerette 'Dont vien cela'/Reprise
New London Consort, Philip Pickett
65 lượt nghe
Locke: Psyche - By G.B. Draghi:Reconstructed by Peter Holman - Act 5 - Dance of the Furies
New London Consort, Philip Pickett
65 lượt nghe
Susato: Dansereye (1551) - Danse du Roy/Reprise
New London Consort, Philip Pickett
65 lượt nghe
Anonymous: Llibre Vermell of Montserrat-Pilgrim Songs and Dances (1399) - Cuncti Simus Concanentes
New London Consort, Philip Pickett
65 lượt nghe
Praetorius: Dances from Terpsichore - Passameze; Galliarde
New London Consort, Philip Pickett
65 lượt nghe
Praetorius: In Dulci Jubilo (à 4) four settings by Praetorius - Interspersed with settings by Hassler, Walter, and Schein
New London Consort, Philip Pickett
65 lượt nghe
Ansalone: Le tre arie del Ballo Cavalieri
New London Consort, Philip Pickett
65 lượt nghe
Blow: Venus & Adonis - Ed. Bruce Wood for the Early English Opera Society - Act 2 - The Graces Dance
New London Consort, Philip Pickett
64 lượt nghe
Vivaldi: Dixit Dominus, R.595 - Ed. Michael Talbot - 5. Juravit Dominus
New London Consort, Philip Pickett
64 lượt nghe
Susato: Dansereye (1551) - Den IV Ronde
New London Consort, Philip Pickett
63 lượt nghe
Biber: Battalia à 10, IHB 5 - 2. Die liderliche Gesellschaft von allerley Humor
New London Consort, Philip Pickett
63 lượt nghe
Telemann: Overture in C Major: "Hamburger Ebb' und Flut" - Gigue. Ebbe und Fluth
New London Consort, Philip Pickett
62 lượt nghe