Holst: Of One That Is So Fair and Bright, H. 130
Holst Singers, Stephen Layton
36 lượt nghe
Grechaninov: All-Night Vigil "Vespers", Op. 59: III. Gladsome Light
Holst Singers, Stephen Layton
36 lượt nghe
Tormis: 3 Estonian Game Songs: III. Laevamäng "The Ship Game"
Holst Singers, Stephen Layton
35 lượt nghe
Villette: Attende, Domine, Op. 45
Holst Singers, Stephen Layton
34 lượt nghe
Tormis: Livonian Heritage: IV. Unehiireke "Wee Winkie Mouse" (Lullaby)
Holst Singers, Stephen Layton
34 lượt nghe
Villette: Jesu, dulcis memoria, Op. 78
Holst Singers, Stephen Layton
33 lượt nghe
Tormis: 2 Songs to Words by Ernst Enno: II. Kuulmata kuskil kumiseb kodu "Soundlessly Somewhere Murmurings Homeward"
Holst Singers, Stephen Layton
33 lượt nghe
Sviridov: 3 Choruses from Tsar Feodor Ioannovich: III. Pokayannïy stih "A Verse of Repentance"
Holst Singers, Stephen Layton
33 lượt nghe
Villette: Notre Père d'Aix, Op. 75
Holst Singers, Stephen Layton
33 lượt nghe
Holst: 6 Choral Folksongs, H. 136: III. Matthew, Mark and Luke and John
Holst Singers, Stephen Layton
32 lượt nghe
Viktor Kalinnikov: Priidite, poklonimsya "Come, Let Us Worship", Op. 11
Holst Singers, Stephen Layton
32 lượt nghe
Chesnokov: Raduytesya, pravednii, o Gospode "Rejoice in the Lord, O You Righteous", Op. 25 No. 6
Holst Singers, Stephen Layton
32 lượt nghe
Holst: 6 Choral Folksongs, H. 136: IV. The Song of the Blacksmith
Holst Singers, Stephen Layton
32 lượt nghe
Villette: Adoro te, Op. 31
Holst Singers, Stephen Layton
32 lượt nghe
Villette: O quam amabilis es, Op. 71
Holst Singers, Stephen Layton
31 lượt nghe
Holst: 6 Choral Folksongs, H. 136: VI. Swansea Town
Holst Singers, Stephen Layton
31 lượt nghe
Grechaninov: Liturgy of St John Chrysostom No. 2, Op. 29: XI. Otche nash "Our Father"
Holst Singers, Stephen Layton
31 lượt nghe
Rimsky-Korsakov: Otche nash "Our Father", Op. 22 No. 7
Holst Singers, Stephen Layton
31 lượt nghe
Chesnokov: Spasenie sodelal "Salvation Is Created", Op. 25 No. 5
Holst Singers, Stephen Layton
30 lượt nghe
Balakirev: Da molchit vsyakaya plot "Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence"
Holst Singers, Stephen Layton
29 lượt nghe