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Northrop Grumman X-47B, Amerikan savunma teknolojisi şirketi Northrop Grumman tarafından geliştirilen bir İnsansız muharebe hava aracı'dır.

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The Northrop Grumman X-47B is a demonstration unmanned

combat air vehicle (UCAV) designed for aircraft carrier-based operations. Developed by the American defense technology company Northrop Grumman, the X-47 project began as part of DARPA's J-UCAS program, and subsequently became part of the United States Navy's Unmanned Combat Air System Demonstration (UCAS-D) program. The X-47B is a tailless jet-powered blended-wing-body aircraft capable of semi-autonomous operation and aerial refuelling.[2]

The X-47B first flew in 2011, and as of 2015, its two active demonstrators have undergone extensive flight and operational integration testing, having successfully performed a series of land- and carrier-based demonstrations.[3][4][5] In August 2014, the US Navy announced that it had integrated the X-47B into carrier operations alongside manned aircraft,[6] and by May 2015 the aircraft's primary test program was declared complete.[7] Northrop Grumman intends to develop the prototype X-47B into a battlefield-ready aircraft, the Unmanned Carrier-Launched Airborne Surveillance and Strike (UCLASS) system, which will enter service in the 2020s.[8][9][10] The X-47B demonstrators themselves were intended to become museum exhibits after the completion of their flight testing, but the Navy later decided to maintain them in flying condition pending further development.[11][12]

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