सरलतम तांत्रिक प्रयोगों में, तंत्र में टोटकों में वृक्षों का स्थान बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण मन गया है | कभी देखा होगा आपने कि एक पेड़ पर कोई दूसरा पेड़ निकल आया | इसको परजीवी कहते हैं| इस पेड़ का कोई अंश ही बाँदा कहलाता है | पीपल, बरगद, सिरस, बेर, खैर आदि वृक्षों के बन्दों के इच्छा पूर्ति के लिए तंत्र जगत में व्यापक प्रयोग होता है | आइये, सरलतम बाँदा तंत्र आप भी अपने ऊपर आज़मा कर देखिये |
Banda, Baanda, bargad ka banda Gopal Raju ke video ka ek sanshipt vivran is link me bhi dekh sakte hain.
► https://youtu.be/iubZaGV1A9k
I have made this video for a unique tantra of parasite trees. Presentation and use of this so called BANDA TANTRA has been given in such a simple way that any body can use practically in his life and enjoy best possible results.
Gopal Raju Motivational Videos in Hindi Does not mean mere Mantra, Tantra, Tone, Totke, Astrology etc. My Motive is to motivate dishearten, depressed & misguided mass. For this I do my every effort to use number of methods of occult sciences on logical footings . I always try to keep in touch with nature, and its laws. Always keep this also in mind that knowingly or unknowingly birds, animals, creatures, vegetation etc. never suffer, hurt or disturb for the sake of our own interest.
Always try to provide variety in my videos which are blended with knowledge, motivational thoughts, light music and entertainment as well.
For such many more clicks, articles on occult, nature and spiritual etc. subjects please keep on watching Gopal Raju at You Tube.
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