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Video 10 Most Shocking Body Modifications On People

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top 10 of the craziest body and face transformations people actually do
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You’ve probably heard the saying “just be yourself,” a few times throughout your life. To different people this statement can result in very different things. Just think back to high school. After all, depending on when and where you went there could have been jocks, preps, skaters, goths and slew of other groups who stood out from one another. Today, many of us are happy with our current appearance and wardrobe. Sure, it may be more mainstream but it works, right? Not for everyone. For some people, merely going through a wardrobe change, adding some new makeup or changing their hair-style isn’t enough when it comes to modifying their appearance. Some people need more extreme measures to show off their personality.
Tattoos, a few piercings, extreme hair dye colors and even minor plastic surgery are some methods people use to modify their looks. However, even this can fall short of how far some want to go. As you’ll see in the following examples, some body modifications can get pretty extreme and shocking. For some people, it’s a way of expressing their individuality. For others, it’s an art form and even for some it’s just an addiction that needs to be fed with more and more modifications. The results can make some of us recoil in disgust or shock. However, some modification, although shocking, can also make us take a long look and ponder the amount of work and detail that has gone into the transformation.

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