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Video Frozen Elsa playing TALKING TOM Apple iPad Spiderman! w/ Joker CatWoman IRL Superhero in Real Life

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Frozen Elsa and Honey Monster playing Talking Tom on Apple tablets. They are laughing a lot at Tom the cat. Suddenly Joker steal the two ipads and starting to play Talking Tom. Frozen Elsa, Honey Monstert and Snow White successfully take back the ipads from Joker.

Frozen Anna STEAL DRESS Elsa & Spiderman!

Vendetta and Flash Girl attacking Frozen Elsa, Spiderman, Catwoman and Frozen Anna with machine gun. They tying Anna and take her clothes. Spiderman and Frozen Elsa hides, but Vendetta find them. At the end Frozen Elsa rescuing Frozen Anna and she get back her clothes.

Frozen Elsa GIANT Colors TONGUE Spiderman Kids!

Joker Kid playing with the Bubblegum Machine. Frozen Elsa also likes the bubblegum machine so she is joining. Elsa eats a gum then all the superheroes take oone colorful bubblegum. While Policeman turns into Honey Monster, Frozen Elsa turns into Snow White. Joker Kid laughing at them.

Frozen Elsa BUBBLE GUM Machine JokerKID Spiderman!

Santo Rico by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

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