Check out the most mysterious sea monsters carcasses ever found! From unidentified sea creatures to bizarre ocean animals washed ashore, this top 10 list is shrouded in mystery!
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9. Russian Specimen
In 2015, the world was once again amazed as a mysterious creature washed up on a Russian beach. A giant sea creature with a bird-like "beak" and fur on its tail sparked controversy in hours! Russian social media went crazy!
It was said to be similar to a dolphin but was twice the size of your average human. On top of that, it had fur. Pretty strange since sea creatures are not commonly seen with fur!!
Some claim it resembles a Ganges River dolphin, which are normally found in the freshwater regions of India, Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh.
These dolphins have a small hump instead of a dorsal fin, a brown coloring and the tendency to swim on their sides.
But, there is one fact that these theorists are ignoring. Ganges dolphins do not have fur! Oh yeah! Plus, they are much smaller than this mysterious Russian creature. Because of this, these individuals counter back with their suggestion that the creature was simply a washed up llama or other mammal. They say perhaps the beak was actually a snout and the body composition was previously mistaken for a sea creature.
To this day, no one knows for sure what it is, and chances are…it’s probably too late now!
8. New Zealand Beast
New Zealand hasn’t had just one case of a sea monster carcass shrouded in mystery. Back in 2013, a mysterious thing washed ashore causing insane speculation across the country. The Daily Mail reports that “A YouTube video filmed by Elizabeth Ann on Pukehina Beach shows the half-buried head of a carcass with jagged teeth and gaping jaws”. Only its head and what looks like flippers are visible above the sand. This beast could have been up to 30 feet long!!
A marine biologist suggested it was a whale. Other theories ranged from a seal to a crocodile to a dinosaur!! Yes, people say it is some ancient creature that no longer exists! What that creature really was has yet to be determined.
7. Bermuda Blob
There is no doubt that Bermuda is full of mysteries. One of these is the appearance of not one…but two mysterious blobs that appeared nearly ten years apart.
The Bermuda Blob is the name given to two globsters, or unidentified sea creature carcasses, that washed ashore on Bermuda in 1988 and 1997.
The first Bermuda Blob was found by Teddy Tucker, a fisherman and treasure hunter, in Mangrove Bay in May 1988. The man said the blob was about "2½ to 3 feet thick . . . very white and fibrous . . . with five 'arms or legs,' rather like a disfigured star."
To further prove its existence, samples of the specimen were gathered and analyzed in 1995. It is believed that these specimens were from a poikilothermic sea creature, either a large teleost or an elasmobranch. Yeah, that really clears it up doesn’t it?? This just means it was a large bony fish, shark or ray. Another suggested that the remains belonged to a whale.
The same thing happened in 1997 but it wasn’t analyzed until 2004. Evidence from this sample suggested a whale again. But of course, nothing was ever proven, and science itself leaves this case open, as another one of the ocean’s greatest mysteries.
6. Muriwai Monster
Some other very strange things have been popping up on New Zealand beaches after the earthquakes in 2016. The large weird-looking object that looked like it was covered in dreadlocks washed up on Muriwai beach in Auckland. Melissa Doubleday discovered it and thought it was a beached whale. She posted pictures to facebook to get some ideas and people suggested everything from a sea monster with dreadlocks to an alien pod time capsule!
The real answer is probably way more boring than this. New Zealand Marine Sciences Society believes it is a piece of driftwood covered in gooseneck barnacles. Gooseneck barnacles are crustaceans that attach themselves to driftwood or rocks, but this is a rather extreme case, wouldn’t you say? They normally use biochemical cement and a peduncle to glue themselves onto objects underwater. They then ride water currents to wave their appendages in order to filter out food particles. Fun fact: Gooseneck barnacles are said to be a delicacy in Spain and Portugal.
Now, does this amazing creature really look like a thousand appetizers? Or does it look more like a Rastafarian sea monster? That’s what I thought!
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