The Power Rangers need a plan to help Brody. Hayley and Levi trade the Power Stars for Brody's antidote. Madame Odius learns that the Power Stars are made of chocolate.
This scene resembles Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 2 when the Power Rangers give Chocolate Power Coins to Goldar.
Cast: William Shewfelt (Brody / Red Ranger), Nico Greetham (Calvin / Yellow Ranger), Zoe Robins (Hayley / White Ranger), Peter Sudarso (Preston / Blue Ranger), Chrysti Ane (Sarah / Pink Ranger), Jordi Webber (Levi / Gold Ranger), Nick Beckwith (Aiden Romero)
Power Rangers Ninja Steel Episode 11 Clips:
This video is from Power Rangers Ninja Steel "Poisonous Plots" (Episode 11). .
All-new episodes of Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel return in the Fall on Nickelodeon. Power Rangers Beast Morphers (Hasbro) premieres in 2019.
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