Going to be trading expensive items? You’d better look out. My name is Braedon and welcome to Valve Guides. It seems like since the beginning of time, people have always tried to take valuable possessions from others, and with the addition of things like skins to Counter strike, that has not changed at all. Today, we are going to take a look at some of the biggest recorded scams in CS:GO history. Big emphasis on recorded So hide your passwords, and turn on your mobile authenticators, and let's get right into the countdown.
Today we talk about:
"CS:GO Scammers"
"CS: GO Scammers Exposed"
"CS: GO Hackers"
"CS: GO Ddossing"
"CS:GO Stolen items"
1 - Nick Bunyun Getting Scammed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NAhpTRY3wU
3 - CS:GO Scammer Gets Trolled: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zype7KDPNJY&ab_channel=LegionFame
4 - Summit1G Gets Scammed In Front of 13,000 People:
5 - Russian Kid Gets Scammed out of Dragon Lore with over 10,000 live viewers:
6 - Sparklez Getting Scammed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3l-Dp5yNoIM#1Gaming-CSGO&more☆
7 - Scammed out of a $3000 Knife CSGO:
8 - Who doesn't love some good ol’ footage of a CS:GO Scammer Caught and then Trolled!?
9 - Young Steamer scammed out of $12,000 while gambling on CSGO Jackpot
10 - CS GO lotto scammed s1mple live on twitch ($20,000 +) (Refunded)
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