《民歌•中国》 降央卓玛专场 20150102。
CCTV folk songs show 《民歌•中国》: Jamyang Dolma Edition. Aired on 2 January 2015.
1. 乌苏里船歌 Chanty of Wusuli 0:58
2. 西海情歌 Love Song of the West Sea 4:23
3. 走天涯 Travel the World 8:16
4. 陪你一起看草原 Visit the Prairie with You 11:09
5. 乌兰巴托之夜 (演唱: 降央卓玛&额尔古纳乐队) Night of Ulan Bator 13:39
6. 爱江山更爱美人 Love of Country and Love of Beauty 16:41
7. 相伴天涯 Accompanying Each Other Wherever We Are 21:02
8. 吉祥藏历年 Propitious Tibetan Year 24:08
9. 马儿啊你慢些走 Slow Down, My Horse 26:30
降央卓玛:西海情歌 - Jamyang Dolma:Love Story of the Western Sea:
降央卓玛歌曲播放列表 Jamyang Dolma songs playlist: