Türü Çok maksatlı - Avcı
Ulusal köken Türkiye
Üretici TAI
Hizmete giriş 2025 (Planlanan)
Durumu Tasarım Aşamasında
Ana kullanıcı Türk Hava Kuvvetleri
Üretim sayısı 250+(planlanan)
Program maliyeti 15-20 milyar$ (tahmini)
Birim maliyeti 30-40 milyon$ (tahmini)
TAI TF-X C-100
TAI TF-X C-200
Talks are ongoing between Turkey, BAE Systems, and Airbus on who will be part of the TFX Jet Fighter Program. By February 2016 a decision will be made on which company will help in the project, either BAE or Airbus. After the partner is selected the design phase for the project will begin. The 4 year design phase to be undertaken by TAI (Turkish Aerospace Industries) will result in 3 potential designs from which 1 will be selected. The first prototype is expected to roll out of the factory in 2023 to mark the centennial of the Turkish Republic. Test Flights and qualifications are expected to be completed by 2030 when the TFX is planned to enter into service.
It is not clear if the jet will be of twin engine configuration or single engine configuration.
Rolls-Royce Offers Engine for TFX
ANKARA, Turkey — Rolls-Royce is offering its EJ200 engine to power the first Turkish-made fighter jet, Turkish officials said.
Procurement sources said the Ankara government and Rolls Royce may be coming near to a deal depending on what the company's solution will entail in terms of production, know-how and export licenses.
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