Check out these incredible houses where you can live today! From the coolest architecture to the most amazing homes, these unusual houses where people actually live are awesome!
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10. Bubble House
If you’re an architect, and money's no object, then you’d be able to build whatever type of house you want- and that’s exactly what Antti Lovag did in the hills of Cannes in southern France. Between 1975 and 1989 he built a sprawling complex known as the Bubble House, and it’s one of the most unique homes on the planet. It was bought by the fashion designer Pierre Cardin, and has since become the site for high profile celebrity parties, hosting stars like Dakota Fanning, Pierce Brosnan, and Marion Cotillard. He also hires it out for events for $15,000 a day, especially to companies wanting to host extravagant parties- usually during the Cannes film festival.
The complex covers almost 13,000 square feet, has 10 rooms, 3 swimming pools, stunning gardens and even a 500-seat amphitheatre. Inspired by ancestral homes, the terracotta-colored pods are just as unusually designed on the inside as they are on the outside. Recently the pad has been put up for sale for a whopping $500 million, but if that’s slightly out of your price range, you can hire a room for just $1000 dollars a day to experience it for yourself!!
9. Turning House
It’s the age old problem- when you buy a house, which direction do you want it to face? The sun in the morning is in a different place in the sky than it is in the evening, and usually you have to make a choice about what is more important. Towards the sun, away from the sun, is it energy efficient?? There is a way around this, though, as Bohumil Lhota from the Czech Republic found out.
He, by himself, has spent more than 20 years building his ideal home. A vast proportion of it is underground and was constructed with eco-efficiency in mind. It maintains a constant temperature throughout the year because it is insulated by the ground around it. On the lower level, there is a circular swimming pool, and the top floor is the living quarters- but the views are what makes this house a one of a kind.
And it’s not just the one view that this place has, because the orientation of the building is completely changeable. It’s often referred to as the roundabout house, because when you’re bored of what you’re looking at, or simply want to chase the sun, you can push the mechanism and turn the entire structure around to face in whatever direction you want! Cool, right?! Customizable houses could, quite possibly, become the way of the future!! They allow you to make best use of the warmth of the sun’s rays and use less power to heat it up by other means. For the moment, though, this is the only one of these homes in the world, so you’ll need to move to the mountains near Prague to be able to live in it! If it’s ever for sale!
8. Hobbit House
Simon Dale didn’t want to be weighed down with house payments for the rest of his life, so he instead decided to build one of his own. Armed with only $5,000, a chainsaw, hammer, and chisel- he moved his family to a Welsh hillside and got to work. He had no experience with carpentry or designing houses, and used material that he scavenged from local refuse facilities. Can you imagine? If I were his wife, I don’t know if I would have been as supportive of this decision!
Four months later, the result was amazing. It’s an eco-home built into the hill, and looks just like the kind of house you’d expect to see the Hobbit living in. Dale kept eco-friendliness as a core theme here, and made the outer shell from straw and plastic sheets to keep rainwater out and the heat in. He covered the whole thing with gravel to ensure it fits in perfectly with the surroundings. Power is generated by discretely placed solar panels, there’s a fridge that is kept cool by the air being blown from beneath the foundations, and they even have a compost toilet so nothing goes to waste.
While this structure will always be his family home, Dale has been contracted to build a replica in the Lammas village, the first eco-village in Wales, so soon enough you could make one of these your home!!
7. Sky Sphere
They’re known for doing things a bit different in New Zealand, and the Sky Sphere is no exception! Jono Williams, a director of an IT company, came up with the idea when out drinking with a friend and made the designs in his spare time. 3 years later, his plan has become a reality.
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