Thanks to the team at ACTION REACTION ENTERTAINMENT for making this video possible! Today we visited the Superhero Training Centre to have some Avengers-themed fun!
Action Reaction Entertainment's INFINITY Show will be at Supanova Comic Con & Gaming in Melbourne (21-22 April) and Gold Coast (28-29 April)! Get your tickets to the event at
Captain America and Doctor Strange outfits from Killerbody (
Spider-Man outfit from The RPC Studio (
Andrew Lutomski - Insta @thorofoz
Dane Paltmann - Insta @dane009
Jarred Welcome - Insta @jaaarred_
Jayden Rodrigues - Insta @jrod_hd
Samwise Holmes - Insta @actionreactionentertainment
Hi guys, today we are visiting the Marvel Avengers Infinity War training centre. We will be meeting up with Dr Strange Captain America Spider-Man Thor and Star Lord to have some superhero fun.
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