a.k.a. vocal version of "Carnation" by himmel.
Was about to flag this as "Touhou", even if it's an original arrange lol.
Anyway, this song is the ending of the Touhou doujin anime 「秘封活動記録~ The Sealed Esoteric History -月-」 as stated by the lyricist: https://twitter.com/anzumondsichel/status/678235249038364672
The lyrics are also similar to 決別の旅's and seem to be related to Maribel and Renko.
Himmel is the name LEMiao uses for original compositions, by the way.
"A bouquet made of starry skies"
Arrangement & Composition:himmel
Circle:Yonder Voice | http://yondervoice.net/
Album:雪幻ティルナノーグ | Comiket 89
Illustration:玉子ハナビ 二日目西ナ08b | http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=48199861
I don't own anything in the video, including the audio and picture. The credits go to the respective owners. This video is purely fan-made and will not be used for profit or illegal sharing!