Top 10 creepy kids photos of popular dictators, serial killers, terrorists and mass murderers.
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The old saying goes that a picture says a thousand words. Sometimes we can just stand in front of a picture, or a screen, and stare at an image endlessly. Of course, there are different kinds of images to look at, whether they be landscape, surreal, abstract or portraits. Each is interesting in its own way as each provides something a little different to take in and analyse. Pictures of people have always been fascinating to look at because there is usually a lot for us to see in such photos, such as clothing, facial expressions, background. Take one look at social media and the array of selfies and it becomes evident that people love looking at pictures of other people as much as they enjoy taking photos of themselves.
What is it that has us going through family albums or even our camera phone library and looking at picture after picture of various people we may or may not know? In all likelihood, these pictures have meaning and a background which strikes a chord with us. We can stare at a picture of ourselves and it reminds us of a happy moment in our lives. We can look at a picture of a long-deceased relative and it brings back memories of when we were younger. Pictures can be a gateway to the past and a chance for us to relive moments and people who are no longer with us.
In a less personal sense, pictures also allow us to pry into the lives of others. The inner-voyeur in many of us loves seeing those shots of movie stars, athletes and politicians caught in situations which are not posed or staged. Such photos allow us to see a more real version of our sports heroes and movie stars as real people, stripped of the protection offered by their uniforms and costumes. The demand for these candid and uncensored photos keeps the magazine racks at the grocery store full and the online celeb-watching sites very busy as many of us hunt for never before seen photos of famous people.
Regardless of celebrity or personal family photos, the one type of picture which always attracts a lot of interest are the baby and childhood photographs. People love seeing what their friends and family looked like many years ago. Whether making fun of childhood fashion or trying to pick out familiar features like your father’s ears or your mother’s eyes, childhood photos are a sure hit. This holds true for the celebrity world too. If people love seeing shots of famous people they definitely love seeing photos of famous people when they were kids.
The following video looks at childhood photos of famous people – although they are famous for all the wrong reasons. The baby and childhood photos ahead are of the most evil people who lived. Some of the photos are disturbing and others, with hindsight, give some indication that thechild in the photo is destined for a live of infamy. After seeing these photos we guarantee you’ll never look at childhood photographs the same way again.
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Joseph Stalin
Osama bin Laden
David Berkowitz
Kim Jong-Il
Jeffrey Dahmer
Heinrich Himmler
John Wayne Gacey Jr.
Anders Breivik
Saddam Hussein
Adolf Hitler
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