Did Bots SAVE Justice League? ► https://bit.ly/2IXEuHX
Memories Are LIES! (MIB Neuralyzer IRL) ► http://bit.ly/2psXZ1V
SUBSCRIBE for More Film Theories! ► http://bit.ly/1dI8VBH
Ready Player One's The Oasis is virtual reality at it's most advanced state. Yet the real danger lies outside The Oasis - IN REALITY! Right in your very own home. Literally. The Stacks are the deadliest part of the Ready Player One world and I'm about to tell YOU why!
The Bee Movie LIED To You! ►► https://bit.ly/2GbNJGF
Is PENNYWISE In A Wrinkle In Time? ► https://bit.ly/2FCL98d
Star Wars Theories KILLED The Last Jedi ►► https://bit.ly/2I4laaH
The Tide Pod Challenge - EXPOSED! ► http://bit.ly/2sEhxFD
Disney LIED to You! ►► http://bit.ly/2C8BGaM
Why You SHOULDN'T FLY to Mordor! ► https://bit.ly/2GaMV4J
Like the theme song and remix for this episode? Thanks to CARF! https://www.youtube.com/user/carfmobile
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