[Kara+Vietsub] I Cry || Yao Si Ting
☞ Nhược Lan
Chúc các bạn có những giây phút v2 - ♥ - Make you happy!
☞ Video Editor + Encode + Timer: Nhược Lan
☞ Effect: Unknow
☞ Song: I Cry || Yao Si Ting
Lyric ( Lời bài hát ):
Every night I find it so hard to sleep
Cause I keep thinking of you
And these feelings from deep
Oh baby I try to hide all these feelings for you
I keep them all out of sight
I don't know what else to do
So I cry
But nobody hears me I cry
It's my only solution I cry
To all this confusion I cry
With all of my heart I cry
Sometimes I wonder in the blink of a night
Would you be waiting to love me
Would you give it a try
I don't know how it's to show you
That I'm not good be real
I'll be eternally faithful
Forever I feel
So I cry
But nobody hears me I cry
It's my only solution I cry
To all this confusion I cry
With all of my heart I cry
No one can tell me that I may be wrong
Cause I know in my heart
This feeling still running strong
Can't get you out of my head
Can't get you out of my heart
Can't get you out of my life
No matter it fell apart
So I cry
But nobody hears me I cry
It's my only solution I cry
To all this confusion I cry
With all of my heart I cry
DISCLAIMER: We do not own this audio. All rights belong to its rightful owner. This clip is copyright.