Albino Kids Won't Let Their Condition Hold Them Back
AN AMBITIOUS mum is pushing her albino children to become star actors and Paralympians - vowing never to let them become 'undateables'. Self-confessed pushy-mum Lisa Needham has two albino children, Jessica, 11, and Ben, seven. She and husband James know no relatives with the condition and were shocked when doctors diagnosed their daughter four weeks after leaving hospital. The lively schoolgirl has very poor eyesight and must wear high-factor sunscreen in the sun but is determined to have a career on stage. Undeterred by the complications, both physical and sociological, the family decided to have another child, knowing that as carriers of the albino gene, they had a one in four chance of having an albino child again. With his bright white hair and pale skin, it was obvious Ben was also an albino. However, they have made it their mission to ensure both children mix in general society and do not become 'undateables' like Damian, the albino 25-year-old who appeared on the TV documentary of the same name. Ben - whose older brother Matt, 14, was born without albinism - has ambitions to compete at the Paralympics.
Videographer / Director: Richard Grange
Producer: John Balson
Editor: Ben Churcher
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