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Video 東方 [Piano Orchestral] Mystic Dream ~ Snow or Cherry Petal 『2』 【Winter #8】

Ca sỹ: kkcwkoh

17,462 Lượt xem

Mô Tả

Piano Arrange on the Title Theme in Touhou 7 - Perfect Cherry Blossom.

Circle : Lime Green (来夢緑)

Artist : kao2

Album : 妖々の夢

Title : 散る桜、降る雪

HP :

Season greetings and all,

How are you guys on this fine day? The past few days have been gruesome for me due to test and due date reports. However, all of that has been settled and the holidays have finally arrived at my doorstep. It's feeling a lot like Christmas already ~

*ahem* All that aside, I shall now pick up from where I had left on this Winter saga that I had started last winter. Every once in awhile, I will update this channel with Winter video's (up until the end of December). With that said, sit back, relax and enjoy (the Winter) ~

Starting off the Winter saga with this particular track by LimeGreen. The intro sounded very similar to the original, don'cha think? Aside from that, the background orchestra in this track compliments the piano rather well ~

Also, here are the previous Winter saga videos from the past winter, for those who missed it :

Winter #1 ~

Winter #2 ~

Winter #3 ~

Winter #4 ~

Winter #5 ~

Winter #6 ~

Winter #7 ~

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