- KEITH RICHARDS: Amazing Aging Video With 3D Effect. HOW KEITH RICHARDS HAS BEEN YEAR AFTER YEAR, IN ALL AGES? Live face and hair change of the Rolling Stones guitar between 1962 and his new image in 2016. The time in Keith Richards = Visual History of Rock. Age of the lead guitar of Rolling Stones year by year, since 1962 to 2016 with his new lp and image. 55 years in 55 pictures. How much has changed the lead guitar of The Rolling Stones? "It's only rock n roll facial history".
55 year of change and transformation, the same timelife of The Rolling Stones, accompained by their best hits (Satisfaction, Start me up, Angie, Simpathy for the devil, Paint it black...).
Selection of 55 photos of the guitar's face aging, as credible as possible to reflect realistically over time, taken from video frames, interviews, documentary, live in concert... Avoiding magazine covers, frame scenes of movies/trailers, or promotional photos enhanced with photoshop, as well avoiding harmful or unnecessary degrading photos. Transformation done with all due respect to the celeb and his image.
El cambio en la cara y pelo de Keith Richards con el paso de los años, entre 1962 y 2016. Transformación del rockstar de The Rolling Stones a lo largo de 55 años en 55 imágenes de entrevistas, documentales, sesiones de fotos, conciertos en directo...
55 años de cambios en esta celebrity, el mismo período de existencia de The Rolling Stones, pura historia audiovisual del rock, acompañada de sus mejores canciones.
Tratando de ser lo más fiel a la realidad con fotos que muestren al cantante de forma natural, evitando photoshop o imágenes denigrantes. Con todo el respeto al artista y su música.