Weekly films of me (Kluna) & Charlie the Venus Flytrap. Charlie loves to eat Fish, chicken, pizza, watermelon, soup, sushi etc
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Made a MINIATURE Barbecue for Charlie the Venus Flytrap!
Almost set Charlie on FIRE! Accidentally put
Planta carnívora Venus atrapamoscas
نبات لاحم فينوس صائدة الذباب
Fleischfressende Pflanze Venus Fliegenfalle
Smoke plants smokable plant weed cannabis
Хищные растения Венера мухоловка
Roślin mięsożernych Muchołówka amerykańska
노바의 muscipula 식충 식물 금성 파리통
Plante carnivore Dionée
Etobur bitki Venüs flytrap
Vleesetende plant
Cây Ăn Thịt Cây ăn thịt Venus cửa máy bay
Pianta carnivora
Barbecue (also barbeque, BBQ and barby/barbies) is both a cooking method and an apparatus. The generally accepted differences between barbecuing and grilling are cooking durations and the types of heat used. Grilling is generally done quickly over moderate-to-high direct heat that produces little smoke, while barbecuing is done slowly over low, indirect heat and the food is flavored by the smoking process.
peanut butter and jelly sandwich
Fruit preserves are preparations of fruits, vegetables and sugar, often canned or sealed for long-term storage.
Many varieties of fruit preserves are made globally, including sweet fruit preserves, such as strawberry or apricot, as well as savoury preserves of vegetables, such as tomatoes or squash. The ingredients used and how they are prepared determine the type of preserves; jams, jellies, and marmalades are all examples of different styles of fruit preserves that vary based upon the fruit used. In English the world over the plural form "preserves" is used to describe all types of jams and jellies. Jam typically contains both the juice and flesh of a fruit or vegetable,[15] although some cookbooks define it as a cooked and jelled puree.[1] The term "jam" refers to a product made of whole fruit cut into pieces or crushed, then heated with water and sugar to activate its pectin before being put into containers:
"Jams are usually made from pulp and juice of one fruit, rather than a combination of several fruits. Berries and other small fruits are most frequently used, though larger fruits such as apricots, peaches, or plums cut into small pieces or crushed are also used for jams. Good jam has a soft even consistency without distinct pieces of fruit, a bright color, a good fruit flavor and a semi-jellied texture that is easy to spread but has no free liquid." – Berolzheimer R (ed) et al. (1959)[notes 1]
Freezer jam is uncooked (or cooked less than 5 minutes), then stored frozen. It is popular in parts of North America for its very fresh taste.
Recipes without added pectin use the natural pectin in the fruit to set. Tart apples, sour blackberries, cranberries, currants, gooseberries, Concord grapes, soft plums, and quinces work well in recipes without added pectin.[16]
Other fruits, such as apricots, blueberries, cherries, peaches, pineapple, rhubarb, and strawberries are low in pectin. In order to set, or gel, they must be combined with one of the higher pectin fruits or used with commercially produced or homemade pectin.[17][18] Use of added pectin decreases cooking time.
ASMR eating sounds relaxing