1 - The Brazilian Wandering Spider*
2 - The Black Widow Spider*
3 - The Brown Widow Spider
4 - The Brown Recluse Spider*
5 - The Six-Eyed Sand Spider*
6 - The Chilean Recluse Spider
7 - The Northern Funnel Web Spider
8 - The Sydney Funnel Web Spider*
9 - The Wolf Spider*
10 - The Red-Legged Widow Spider
"Lachaim" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Seyretmiş olduğunuz videoda kullanılan görsel ve işitsel tüm kaynak bilgileri
ilhanberatyilmam.com adresinde yayınlanmıştır
"intro: by Laurent Caccia
in the description of the video will suffice.