Hey guys and welcome back to another video on MSP! Today I open some fan gifts and also decide to remodel my house. I haven't played since before Christmas and so everything is kinda outdated. If you have anything you think could make my house better send it my way :)
BUY A YAMMY POSTER: http://yammyxox.bigcartel.com/product/yammy-pets-a2-poster
P.S my username is: yammyxoxoffical
I SPELT OFFICIAL WRONG. There's an account called yammyxoxofficial (spelt the right way) who's impersonating me so don't add them. Rember OFFICAL is how i spelt mine lmao
Become a Star today on MovieStarPlanet! Be who you want to be, let your creativity loose! Meet new friends, chat, go shopping, design clothes, and much more.
Play it: http://www.moviestarplanet.co.uk/
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