Hulk McDONALDS DRIVE THRU Prank! w/ Mickey Mouse Playdoh Hulk Spiderman Movie Kids Toys in Real Life
Mickey Mouse's clubhouse is in jail ! Hulk Police is guarding the jail so Mickey Mouse do not escape from prison! Spiderman came across and notice Disney's Mickey Mouse in jail ! Spiderman will help him! Hulk is hungry and he decides to go to mcdonalds drive thru with his brand new power wheels cars ! Spiderman got an idea to prank Hulk with a little spider in his coca-cola like toy bottle so he will have to got to the toilet and then Spiderman can rescue and deliver succesfully in a safe way his best friend Mickey Mouse. Hulk is happy he get a surprise toys and lots of balloons 🎈 but reckless Spiderman pops his balloon ! Hulk goes goes back to the prison with his happy meal from mcdonalds drive thru (from his power wheels ride on car) and begin to unboxing his happy meal toy, which is a playdoh hulk from marvels. He is happy a eats fries and a big burger but then he needs to go to toilet very very fast! Spiderman comes and rescue Mickey from jail! Happy ending!
Then Spiderman is hungry he goes at Macdonald's Drive Thru ! Fake Mickey Mouse aka Joker serve him a Happy Meal with a bad surprise in his drink. Superhero Spider-man is happy he get a surprise toys and a balloon🎈. Spiderman eat his burger 🍔 and drink his juice and get sick 🤢 He falls on the ground. Joker came and stole his motorbike and his 🎈 .
Hulk Police see the scene and hit Joker with a Nerf Gun !
The incredible Hulk saves Spiderman and put Joker in Jail !
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