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Video VolleyTotz and VolleyKidz volleyball program for kids

Ca sỹ: David Martin

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Some of the activities from Suncoast Volleyball Club of Sarasota's volleyball classes for kids include "Thumb Buddies" beanbag toss, bumping, spiking, underhand serving and obstacle courses.

Volley Totz and Volley Kidz classes are for kids ages 3-9. These volleyball classes focus on age appropriate volleyball related skills, movements, strategies, fitness, and fun!

Find out more about VolleyTotz, VolleyKidz, VolleyTweenz, VolleyTeenz and other classes on the Suncoast Volleyball of Sarasota website:

Volleyball camps and clinics are available. They have something for kids from ages 3 to 15 and of all different skill levels. Registration:

You can also Like their Facebook Page here:

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