Check out the strangest things found in the ocean! From underwater mysteries to the most weird things, this top 10 list of awesome deep sea things will surprise you!
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8. 90 04 06
The ocean’s currents can act in some weird ways, and just exactly how they work is still somewhat of a mystery to modern-day scientists. For years, though, researchers have been tracking a certain number of items to monitor the currents, and what they are might surprise you.
In the 1990’s, a large shipment of Nike shoes was accidently dropped from a cargo ship and into the deep waters of the ocean. While a big loss for the company that manufactured the shoes, this accident was a big break for scientists.
It turns out that each of the Nike shoes of the some 80,000 that were lost all carried the same serial code printed on them.
The code that was printed on the shoes was 90 04 06. This distinct marking has allowed ocean experts to track the movements of the shoes for years, allowing them to better understand how and where different underwater currents move and interact with one another.
Nike might have lost a lot of money when they lost their shoes, but they’ve certainly helped advance the sciences a bit. Hm, wonder if they got to write the loss off on their tax returns.
7. Bananas For Everyone
Most of us imagine sea shells when we think about walking along our local beach lines -- or maybe sharks if one is a bit more cautious around water.
However, sometimes something entirely unexpected makes its way onto shore. These things range from the odd, to the mysterious, to the comical.
In November of 2007, an island in the Dutch North Sea was treated to a rare and weird kind of tide washing in.
The waves came in one morning and the next thing the people of Terschelling Island knew there were bananas all over their beach. Thousands of green, unripe fruit littered the sand, attracting a large number of the nearby town’s citizens to collect and scavenge the unexpected haul of produce.
There were just far too many bananas for anyone to know what to do with them. Some of the locals even suggested sending them to the local zoos.
As weird as this occurrence might sound, the citizens of Terschelling are actually used to the contents of random, lost shipping containers washing up on their homes’ doorstep. Sweaters, shoes, and hundreds of children's’ toys are all example of the type of things that have washed up on the Dutch island. Plenty of things floating around their waters!
6. Human-Sized Fish
Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, and the list of cryptids go on.
For thousands of years, humanity has whispered about things hiding in the shadows that mainstream science has yet to recognize.
Many believers in these shadowy creatures even point to seemingly extinct animals as proof that monstrous beings have existed at one time and might still survive somewhere, unseen, even today.
Perhaps nowhere is the existence of extinct creatures more possible than in the mostly unexplored seas and oceans of the world. Just around 98% of the Earth’s waters are unexplored, unmapped, and undocumented in any kind of detail, leading to the question of just what might be lurking down under the deep blue waves that crash just off our safe shores.
Despite us only having explored around 2% of the water in the world, most experts still doubt the existence of modern, underwater prehistoric or cryptid creatures.
In 1938, however, a fish called a Coelacanth that can grow to be the size of a large human was discovered off the coast of South Africa. This fish was previously thought to have gone extinct up to 66 millions years prior to its rediscovery -- and yet, we found it living right under our noses. Wonder what else is hiding in plain sight?
5. Rotting Ball
In August of 2016, a 36-year-old man named Mark Watkins was fishing with his aging father in the waters off the western coast of Australia. As their boat pushed them through the waters, the two fisherman never expected to stumble upon a large, floating pink blob that was absolutely gigantic!
The alien blob of pink and white seemed bloated and full of air. Upon first inspection, Mr. Watkins and his father at thought that it was a hot air balloon or even a weird kind of upturned boat.
The fishermen's’ curiosity got the best of them, so they inspected it further. Upon coming closer to the floating white ball, the two discovered that flippers were attached to the large object and the smell was terrible!
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