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Video 10 Real Life ROBOT Humans You Won't Believe Exist

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top 10 real life robots that look like actual people
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Once thought to be nothing but science fiction, robots were for TV and movies, not real life. But as technology advances, more and more science fiction is making into our daily lives. There are even some people are fearful of how advanced technology and robots are becoming. In fact, a recent study by the British Science Association revealed that one in three people are concerned that the rise in AI could pose a serious threat to humanity, similar to the events portrayed in ‘Terminator’. Even more are concerned that when robots become mainstream, they will replace humans and fewer jobs will be available. Even physicist Stephen Hawking has his worries. While Skynet may be decades or centuries away yet, robots are improving every day and becoming more lifelike. And the more lifelike they become, they creepier they appear.
In this day and age, technology is making leaps and bounds every day. What was once believed to be science fiction is now reality and robots are becoming more advanced. With these advancements however, robots are becoming much creepier and much more human. Here are some of the most realistic robots out there today.

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