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10 - A brave decision…
You have to have a lot of respect for many of the people featured on our list, who have daily struggles we can’t even comprehend. Harnaam Kaur is a 24-year old woman from Berkshire, and she has polycystic ovary syndrome. Facial hair began growing when she was 11. She was tormented and bullied, and even led her to consider taking her own life. She got baptized as a Sikh, where they are not allowed to cut any body hair. She’s working on a documentary with her brother, all about anti-bullying.
9 - Tale as old as time…
This is a very unusual individual called Li Ching Yuen. He claims he was born in 1736, but there are other records saying 1677. No one knows the exact date. From the age of 10, he wandered through China collecting herbs, and was said to do that for 100 years. When people asked his secret, he replied… “Keep a quiet heart, sit like a tortoise, walk sprightly like a pigeon and sleep like a dog.” Legend says he buried 23 wives. His finger nails were 6-inches long, and back in 1930, a professor from Chengtu University found records that the government congratulated Li Ching in 1827 for his 150th birthday. He died in 1933, believed to be 256 years old. What do you think?
8 - Lesson Learnt…
This is a tough lesson to learn for Carlos “Halfy” Rodriguez. Many who have seen this image on the net have claimed it to be a fake. However, it’s not. Carlos lost a big portion of his bran and skull due to a car accident, where he was flung through his windscreen and landed on his head. He says he went on a drugs and drinking booze and this was the end result. He was 14 at the time. He became famous after he was arrested for solicitation and this mug shot emerged.
7 - Join the circus…
That’s what used to happen in the mid-16th century right through to the 20th century, if you were different looking to anyone else. People with severe disabilities, like this girl, were advertised as “Undiscovered Humans”… and Freak shows were often the main attraction at fairgrounds. Thank goodness that’s not the case anymore. This girl had Congenital Genu Recurvatum, which weakens ligaments causing them to bend backwards.
6 - Back in time…
This image was taken in 1863 by James Wallace Black, who was an American photographer who was known for his innovation and experimentation. This image is of a man with Enchondroma of the Scapula, which is a type of benign tumor that originates in the cartilage.
5 - Windows to the soul…
Baby Lucas was born with his eyes remaining shut, and initially it didn’t worry his parents – but when after a day they still didn’t open- it was the beginning of a hard journey. He was born with bilateral bilateral microphthalamia, which happens when they eyes don’t form fully during pregnancy. It’s a matter of time before they will know what he is able to see.
4 - Walking Miracle…
Wang Fang from China was born with her feet turned backwards. Despite doctors believing she will never be able to walk, she has defied the odds and says she is even able to run faster than most of her friends! She works as a waitress and doesn’t see herself as disabled at all.
3 - Respect…
For the families and people who struggle with Treacher Collins Syndrome. It’s a disorder that affects around 1 in 50 000 people. Bones and Tissue does not develop properly, and many bones are actually missing. There are many common symptoms with this syndrome, drooping eyes, small ears, cleft palate and others. This is Juliana Wetmore, who has undergone 45 surgeries already.
2 – Life-changing…
This is Xia Yuanha from China, who has developed features resembling an alien, due to facial hyperplasia. His facial proportions have become so enlarged, that he is now deaf. He is really hoping to have life-changing surgery, but at this stage there are no reports if he has had any surgery yet.
1 – Radical transformation…
Modern technology is amazing. This Chinese man’s nose was damaged from an infection he got after a car accident, and doctors grew the man another nose out of his forehead. They will use cartilage from his rib to add the bone structure,