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Hollywood obituaries are always tinged with sadness, but few have been as uniquely devastating to the public as Heath Ledger's. At just 28 years old, Ledger, who passed away in January 2008, had the world at his fingertips. He had a new daughter with actress Michelle Williams and he was at the top of his career, turning in celebrated performances in films like Brokeback Mountain and The Dark Knight. In the years following Ledger's passing, many aspects of his life have been brought to public light, as his friends and family try to help fans understand his personal life. Here's what we've learned about the talented Australian actor who left us far too soon...
A confusing relationship | 0:43
Help from A-list friends | 1:27
A quiet but difficult battle | 2:12
An opportunity nearly missed | 3:07
Revealing footage | 3:54
An inspiration for new music | 4:27
Not so serious | 5:11
Read more here → http://www.nickiswift.com/61796/secrets-discovered-heath-ledger-death/
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