☆ミ Title: 幻想の狼と、旅のお供 (Meaning "The Illusory Wolf and Her Travel Companion".)
☆ミ Album: Phantasmagoria and Wolf 「狼と幻想郷」
☆ミ Circle: Ringing Volcano 「風鈴ぼるけいの」
★彡 Original Titles:
1—) ミストレイク (Meaning "Mist Lake".) / Stage 1 Theme
2—) 孤独なウェアウルフ (Meaning "Lonesome Werewolf".) / Stage 3 Boss - Kagerou Imaizumi's Theme
★彡 Source: 東方輝針城 ~ Double Dealing Character (Touhou Kishinjou, meaning "Eastern Castle of Shining Needles".)
♬♪♫ ミ Celtic Harp/Mandolin/Bouzouki/Piano/12-Strings Guitar/Electric Bass/Frame Drum/Shaker/Finger Cymbals/Spring Drum/Tambourine/Recorder/Arrangement: Sakana Nakazako 「中雑魚酒菜」
♬♪♫ ミ Flute: Cy
♬♪♫ ミ Violin: Yumizu 「湯水」
♬♪♫ ミ Violoncello: Koin Kikuichi 「菊一倖殷」
♬♪♫ ミ Violoncello: Onoe Music Studio 「小野江音楽工房」
♬♪♫ ミ Twitter: https://twitter.com/nakazako
♬♪♫ ミ Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/nakazako
♬♪♫ ミ Original Composer: ZUN 「上海アリス幻樂団」
✧彡 Event: Hakurei Shrine Reitaisai 14 「博麗神社例大祭14」
✧彡 Release Date: May 07, 2017
✧彡 Website: http://r-volcano.jp/wolf
✧彡 Album Genre: Folk, Celtic, Acoustic&Parody — Touhou Instrumental Arrangement Album.
✿彡 Picture Artist: たまはな (Tamahana)
✿彡 Artist's Pixiv Page: https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=611549
✿彡 Illustration Source: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=62751053
✿彡 Character: Imaizumi Kagerou 「今泉影狼」
I can't tell how much I love this album. I think this is one of the Nakazako Sakana's best albums that he has released so far. I mean we all love Spice and Wolf and dying to see the new season of this great series even though the novels are already finished. The OST of the anime series was especially good because it is full of the folk music that you usually hear from renaissance and especially from medieval era.
Moreover it didn't even though or crossed in my mind once that it was even possible to mix these two soundtracks of both Touhou and Spiece and Wolf into something to create this lovely sounding folk arrange album. Well in fanon as you can see in the picture Kagerou sometimes related with Holo from Spice and Wolf. And I also never thought there would come a day I would use this picture in my videos which compliments the Spice and Wolf series like this arrange. In other words, this is really good folk arrange which is parodying Spice and Wolf series with Touhou character themes.
So in short this is great album and I'm sure there a lot of people who like Nakazako Sakana work. So if you are into instrumental and folk albums please try to support these artist by buying their albums even though you guys can't afford to buy physical album itself in the first place. As I explained in the below paragraph, its possible to buy the digital copy of album so it will be like buying an album from bandcamp if you guys buy something from booth.pm.
Anyways that's it for today but seriously this album is one of my favorite instrumental arrange album that was released back in this Reitaisai and that's why I kept it for the last to share it with you guys.
So after introducing new circles in my next uploads which will be two new circles highly then I'll be done with uploading until C92. Until my next set of uploads I wish you guys have a great day!
PS: Lastly I'd like to point out that this arrange is the parody of "Shounin to Ookami to, Tabi no Nibasha" from Space and Wolf OST which the original soundtrack can be listened in the following link:
— https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWWETTms5kg
Enjoy!(っ˘ω˘ς ) ♬♪♫
Did you know Ringing Volcano (風鈴ぼるけいの) have a booth.pm page? You can support this Touhou arrange circle by buying some of their digital copies!
一 https://r-volcano.booth.pm/
So if you liked this arrange, then please consider to purchase digital copy of the album. If you want to listen to more great arrangements of this kind in the future too, it is important to show your support and reward their hard work by purchasing their works. You can buy digital copy of the album by going to the link below:
一 https://r-volcano.booth.pm/items/524548
狼と幻想郷 is a doujin album by Ringing Volcano (風鈴ぼるけいの) released on 2017-05-07 (Reitaisai 14). It features instrumental arrangements of themes from Imperishable Night, Mountain of Faith, Touhou Hisoutensoku, Double Dealing Character and Forbidden Scrollery.
↓I do not own anything!↓
I don't own anything in the video, including the audio and picture. The credits go to the respective owners. This video is purely fan-made, and will not be used for profit or illegal sharing!
If you're the owner of any work in this channel and want to see it taken down, please contact me first.
Contact me via e-mail or PM via Youtube: [email protected]
Thank you!